Agenda 21 exposed in Lake County,
CA is proud to bring you this history and picture page of the
Middletown Volunteer Fire Department

Pictured L to R
back row:
Ellis Field,
Ray Moody Jr., Orval Brennen,
Reed Hardester, Marvin Higgins, Doc Barker, Al
Terry & John Irwin
L to R Front:
Moss Hunt, Dick
Puser, Al Cook &

South Lake
County Fire Protection District

in cooperation with
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
“New Geothermal Safety Training Facility for Lake
South Lake
County Fire Protection District is proud to announce the completion of Lake
County’s first Training Tower. The “Geothermal Safety Training Facility”
will be available throughout the year to Lake County’s nine fire
departments, four law enforcement agencies, Calpine, Northern California
Power Agency, and the two local junior colleges for training classes. The new training facility at 21121
Highway 175 located next to the Middletown fire station is made possible
with most of the grant funding coming from the California Energy Commission
and additional funding from the Lake County Indian Gaming Special
Distribution Fund, Citizens of the South Lake County Fire Protection
District, Lake County AB1905 Geothermal Resource Royalties, South Lake
County Fire Sirens, and Lake County Air Quality Management District.
the Geothermal Safety Training Facility for all levels of response
personnel to train in a controlled environment is a priceless tool. The four-story (40-foot) tower can be
used for climbing, ladder and rescue training on the sheer outside walls
and for confined space training inside the shaft. The center section is a two-story
structure set aside for law enforcement training, and the far end is a
single-story “live fire” training facility.
An Interview with Orval Brennen about the MVFD