Agenda 21 exposed in Lake County,
CA is proud to bring you this history and picture page of the
Middletown Volunteer Fire Department
a group of dedicated volunteers grew the third largest fire district in
California, providing emergency medical services and fire protection for
12,000 people, 5,200 homes, and 3,300 undeveloped lots over 280 square
miles, with annual emergency
response calls exceeding 1,000. The
District, under mutual-aid agreement, even responds into Napa County
providing emergency medical services. The District contract with the
CAL–FIRE allows the District to provide 24/7 coverage in Middletown, on
Cobb, which includes the Geysers, and at Hidden Valley Lake. They have an annual budget in excess of $1,000,000.00
and are growing. I am talking about
the “Middletown Volunteer Fire Department” known today as the “South Lake
County Fire Protection District”.

The Middletown
area has had many fires over the years and the town has burned twice. Probably the most devastating fire was in
1918 which burned much of the business district. But when the town burned again in 1930
the citizens said “no more”. Unfortunately the area suffered its worst fire
ever on September 12th, 2015 the Valley
Fire that burned 76,000+ Acres and destroyed 1,958 Structures and was
ranked the 3rd most destructive fire in CA history
This page
reflects the humble beginnings of what today is a highly trained,
professional, fire fighting and medical assistance organization.

Below are some
great pictures and newspaper clippings provided by the children of one of
Middletown’s finest,
Reed Hardester.
I want to
personally thank them for preserving this peek at history and sharing it
with all of us.

first Fireman’s Auction was held in 1931 and was called, The Fireman’s
Auction and Frolic. Its main purpose
then was to help raise money for the Fire District and have fun doing
it. An event that grew through the
years and was the most looked forward to event of the year for all the
Those Pictured
On Stage:
L-R Ken Palmer,
John Irwin & Ray Moody Sr.
L-R John
Baughman, unk, unk, unk, George Williamson, Orval
Brennen & Ray Moody Jr.

These names are
for the picture directly below

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